
20+ Funny Money Quotes With Life Lessons

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The conversation about money can be a bit tense at times. Today we’re here to help bring things down a more with some of our most popular humorous quotes about money.

Since we’re talking about Clever Girl Finance, we’re focused on helping women become financially independent by giving them accurate financial guidelines and helping them earn plenty of money. These funny quotes about money aren’t just entertaining they are also a source of real-world lessons as well!

Are there any famous sayings regarding money? Find out some of the most hilarious quotes regarding money. Also, humorous savings quotations about money and much more. Learn how they can help us with money!

Fun thoughts on shopping and spending

These hilarious finance quotes tell the world that it’s acceptable to spend money on “frivolous” things if they bring you joy. Be sure to set aside money for them and not purchase them to impress anyone else and be a waste of your money.

1. “I like my money where I can see it, hanging in my closet.” – Carrie Bradshaw, Sex and the City

The Sex and the City character, Carrie Bradshaw, is known for her amazing designer clothes. Also, she’s famous for her extravagant spending on shoes, and she often was unable to pay her rent. What does her quote tell us about spending money, especially on high-end items? Are they only for wealthy individuals?

There’s nothing wrong with spending money on accessories and clothes. Maybe you’re looking to purchase a Chanel bag or some other fashion-forward product.

The only way to make a mistake is in the event that you don’t have enough money saved up to save for extravagant purchases or invest in items you don’t actually have. Remember, there are ways to remain fashionable and stylish even on a shoestring budget. So, if you don’t have a designer piece in the budget for you at this point but you’ll still look stunning.

2. “Too many people spend money to buy things they don’t want to impress people they don’t like.” – Will Rogers

This quote is a reminder to be cautious about the money we spend. When you are making purchases of a significant amount consider the reason you’re interested in that product. Are you really interested in it or is it purchased to impress others?

It’s not easy to keep current with Joneses. Always looking for the latest and most popular items to impress your friends is becoming more common and requires an excessive amount of energy. Thanks to the rise of social media it’s clear that the Joneses aren’t just limited to just our neighborhood – they’re all over the world.

Make sure to concentrate on yourself and what you would like to achieve and not what other people have. You may also think about what you must have to impress them.

3. “I love money. I love everything about it. I bought some pretty good stuff. Got me a $300 pair of socks. Got a fur sink. An electric dog polisher. A gasoline-powered turtleneck sweater. And, of course, I bought some dumb stuff, too.” – Steve Martin

While funny and hilarious, this is one of the humorous quotes about money that also reminds us that although money can be helpful for many purposes it also can be used to purchase things we don’t require or need. It is therefore important to spend your money wisely instead of merely having beautiful things that have no purpose.

4. “Rich people have small TVs and big libraries, and poor people have small libraries and big TVs.” – Zig Ziglar

The way we entertain ourselves and the amount we place on information can be a significant factor in the overall wealth of our society. While it might not be appropriate in every circumstance and can be amusing, it can be a sign of the importance that we attach to our finances.

5. “Money is like manure. You have to spread it around or it smells.” – JP Getty

This is among the most memorable funny financial quotes. When we are saving and spending or budgeting money it’s crucial to be generous whenever we can, and also offer to others, as well. If we don’t, we’ll end up becoming excessively greedy, which will almost assure that we’ll end up feeling miserable.

When you think of making investments…

Investment is an essential aspect of financial wellness. But these funny quotes regarding money provide a unique insight on how to make sure you have enough money.

6. “The safest way to double your money is to fold it over and put it in your pocket.” – Kin Hubbard

While this quote about frugality is definitely humorous, it’s not true. It turns out that one of the most secure ways to increase your savings is through investing, and not just putting it in your wallet.

This could eventually cause empty pockets! Money is a terrible master when we’re afraid of losing it to increase it It’s crucial to think about how you will put money into.

You don’t need to make a million dollars to be wealthy if you invest in investing. It’s in fact one of the best methods to boost your fortune!

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Considered by some as scary or risky The fact is that investing isn’t something to be worried about. Savings accounts and self-denial will only get you to a certain point.

If you’re just beginning to learn about investing, or are looking to increase your knowledge and make an amount of money, take a look at the book by Clever Girl Finance. the basics of investing, and Grow Your money. You’ll discover the essentials of investing with success and increase your wealth.

7. “October: This is one of the particularly dangerous months to invest in stocks. Other dangerous months are July, January, September, April, November, May, March, June, December, August, and February.” -Mark Twain

It could be funny This quote may make you laugh, but it speaks to the necessity to be aware of what we’re doing prior to when investing. Although investing in a fund is an intelligent and sensible choice but we shouldn’t test it without getting some understanding and knowledge of the investment we’re making. Before you invest your money to make profits, you should read and find out more about the options available to you.

8. “Money is like an arm or a leg. Use it or lose it.” – Henry Ford

This quote is a practical reminder of the risks of sitting on money. If you’re among those people who are looking to make use of every opportunity to boost your income, consider investing. It is a great way to earn money and prepare to purchase things in the near future.

These funny quotes on saving money are very relatable and you can also learn to save money regardless of the size of your budget! These funny quotes on saving money could give you an urge to save as much cash as possible.

9. “Economists report that a college education adds many thousands of dollars to a man’s lifetime income – which he then spends sending his son to college.” – Bill Vaughn

It’s not a secret that raising children can be expensive! Sending the child (whether male or female or even non-binary, clearly this quote about an individual who sends his son to college is in need of a version) to school can be a huge expense! This is among the humorous quotes about conserving money that illustrates how much college costs.

There are ways to plan your kids’ formal and college education without having to spend your entire salary on it. Parents, for example, can put money into their children’s education by setting up Custodial Accounts or plans.

10. “I’m so poor I can’t even pay attention.” – Ron Kittle

One of these humorous quotes on saving money that is so accurate that it causes pain. The truth is, poverty can be a result because of bad spending habits, or circumstances beyond your control.

The good thing is that you are able to break the cycle of poverty. It is also possible to learn to save money even with an income that is low!

Keep in mind that every penny matters, and if discover ways to save money you will save money quicker than you think!

11. “Many people take no care of their money till they come nearly to the end of it, and others do just the same with their time.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Do you ever wonder what happens during your time is going? The following is among those real quotes on the importance of saving both money as well as time. It talks about how it is easy to spend our time and money.

Utilizing your time carefully is a recipe to build prosperity. This is a way to turn your money to be a reliable servant that can help you through your life.

12. “A rich man is one who isn’t afraid to ask the salesperson to show him something cheaper.” – Jack Benny

Some people believe that wealthy people are those who don’t bother to inquire about prices even once. It’s not true. If you’re willing to search for the most affordable price and negotiate, you can save yourself lots of money.

Imagine two automobile payments that cost double the amount they were required to be, and you’ll have the idea. If you’re not sure, just make an inquiry about cheaper alternatives.

13. “A simple fact that is hard to learn is that the time to save money is when you have some.” – Joe Moore

Funny quotes about saving money may be real! Everyone is aware of the need to be saving money. But the difficult part is that if you have money to save, it’s a bit difficult to keep it from spending!

The concept of budgeting can be thought of as one of the benefits of managing money. Are you and your partner able to budget in tandem? It’s a big difference! These quotes stress the importance of creating the budget together with your partner and then reviewing it with them.

14. “Some couples go over their budgets very carefully every month, others just go over them.” -Sally Poplin

Communication is crucial in relationships regardless of the subject and maybe even more so in the area of finances. What kind of couple do you belong to? One that adheres to an established budget and takes charge of their finances or the one who totally ignores it?

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If both you and your spouse haven’t formulated a budget yet or are having trouble trying to adhere to one and stick to it, it’s time to be together and come up with a plan that works for both of you.

15. “It’s easy to meet expenses, everywhere we go, there they are.” – Anonymous

This quote demonstrates how no one will ever be able to buy. Yet, we are able to prepare for expenses by planning our budgets effectively.

We can make sure that our charges don’t get in our way of saving by beginning investing, but not placing all our eggs into one basket and also being organized with finances.

16. “A nickel ain’t worth a dime anymore.” – Yogi Berra

This is a reference to the fact that the cost of everything continues to rise regardless of the situation. However, however, we can plan for it by planning our budgets correctly. If we look at the annual earnings in relation to weeks and months of budgeting, the process becomes easier to manage.

17. “Empty pockets never held anyone back. Only empty heads and empty hearts can do that.” – Norman Vincent Peale

Whatever amount of money you’re beginning with, it’s a good idea to plan your budget. Saving even a little from every paycheck can allow you to make more use of your cash.

Funny finance quotes on borrowing and debt

There’s nothing funny or funny about debt but these humorous money quotes certainly can help us learn something.

18. “This would be a much better world if couples were in love as much as they are in debt.” – Earl Wilson

This quote is darkly funny since it’s also very precise. At present, about 88% of Americans are in debt. Although it’s difficult to determine how many are in love with someone, the fact is that a lot of people are getting into debt.

It’s not just that debt limits possibilities, but it may cause lots of stress which can strain relationships in the process. If you’d rather stay in love rather than be in debt, begin by devising an approach to reduce your debt to get rid of debt permanently.

19. “A bank is a place that will lend you money if you can prove that you don’t need it.” – Bob Hope

If you’ve ever tried to apply for loans, you’re aware that you have to meet certain qualifications to be eligible. For some, it’s difficult to meet these criteria. They fall under one of the categories “unbanked” or “underbanked.”

They either do not have a bank account, or they have one but rely on other finance services (like payday loans) to fulfill their requirements. As per the Federal Reserve, 22% of Americans living in the U.S. were either unbanked or underbanked in the year 2019.

Through things like setting a budget setting up an emergency fund and increasing your earnings, You can remove yourself from this situation, or avoid falling into it.

Funny quotes on money as well as how it affects you feel

From anxiety and stress to joy to peace The word “money” can trigger many different emotions. These funny quotes about money show exactly that.

20. “I finally know what distinguishes man from other beasts: financial worries.” – Jules Renard

Everyone has experienced it at some time or another: financial anxiety. Have you thought about your dog and wondered if you could swap places with them so you could enjoy their simple, easy lifestyle, free of financial worries? This is exactly what the quote is attempting to convey.

While there are a variety of reasons why people experience financial stress One of the primary causes is a lack of knowledge of finances. It’s actually a positive thing! If there’s one thing that we can guarantee you will accomplish, it’s becoming informed about your financial situation.

There’s a wealth of information in libraries of all sizes all over the nation which your future self can be grateful for it. Begin with the articles on this website, or a book on financial literacy as well as one of Clever Girls Finance’s free classes. Whatever you choose, just begin, and you’ll instantly feel less stressed!

21. “Money frees you from doing things you dislike. Since I dislike doing nearly everything, money is handy.” – Groucho Marx

As Groucho Marx is known for his jokes about not having to meet obligations because he’s wealthy there’s something to the wisdom that this expert man has to say! Money can be used to purchase many things. One of those is the capability to hire someone else to do something you don’t want them to do.

If you’re able to earn a decent amount of disposable income, you can free yourself from having to spend time doing things that you do not like. You have the option to decide how you spend your time which is unbeatable.

22. “All I ask is the chance to prove that money can’t make me happy.” – Spike Milligan

The following quote speaks about the plight of a poor man. Money can buy lots of items, however, does it be used to purchase happiness? That’s the old question! There’s some agreement that a certain level of wealth can, in fact, bring you happiness. It’s still unclear if it makes you feel happier.

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As the quote implies it’s likely to be better to attempt to earn the most money you can. Make sure that you don’t compromise important things on your route to earning more.

23. “Money can’t buy happiness, but it will certainly get you a better class of memories.” – Ronald Reagan

The quote humorously reminds us that although money cannot buy you everything you need it will certainly give you plenty of choices that make life more enjoyable and interesting. In this way, it might be worth it to be wealthy.

24. “People say that money is not the key to happiness, but I always figured if you have enough money, you can have a key made.” – Joan Rivers

The mere existence of money by itself isn’t enough to bring about general satisfaction. This is among the humorous quotes about money that remind us that there are occasions when money can help us get what we want.

A specific experience or item could make us happy for a short time. Based on the way we spend our money, may provide us with a sense of joy when we live our lives.

Funny financial sayings in relation to children

Humor is among the best ways to make connections with children. Check out the following “tip” from Bill Murray and teach them about sharing and taxes at the same time!

25. “The best way to teach your kids about taxes is by eating 30% of their ice cream.” – Bill Murray

One of the greatest presents you can give your children is to teach them the basics of financial literacy as early as possible. Teaching them about saving money and building their confidence with money will set them up for success as they enter adulthood.

There’s probably a better method of teaching your children about tax obligations (other than eating candy or ice cream for Halloween). However, this is one of the funniest financial quotes that teach that paying taxes is not a bad thing and could be the most efficient method!

26. “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” – Thomas Edison

It’s funny because we all wish that we could be rich fast without exerting too much effort. It is important to teach kids the value of working hard and earning money.

There’s plenty of satisfaction from achievement in work and we shouldn’t try to escape it, but rather use it to provide more stability in our finances. The earlier kids learn this and accept it, the better their lives will be.

Funny money quotes about how to get wealthy quickly

The most effective method to become wealthy isn’t the way you think! The only true security is to save, work hard and have a mental attitude that will allow you to succeed.

Spoiler alert hard work and years of financial planning are the best methods to make enough cash. The joy of being creative can help you come up with fresh ideas for creating and preserving your money. If you are a student it is more likely to be successful.

27. “There is a very easy way to return from a casino with a small fortune: go there with a large one.” – Jack Yelton

Everyone has dreamed of winning the lottery or making it rich in Vegas. However, is it possible to become rich fast? Some say that things such as winning the Powerball can actually occur.

However, it’s an area we cannot put our bets on. According to this quote, the most reliable way to become wealthy isn’t by winning at the tables of gambling, but rather by beginning your journey rich.

Instead of hoping to be lucky and make it rich fast, it is much better to invest your time and energy into investing, saving, and paying down your debt.

28. “There is a gigantic difference between earning a great deal of money and being rich.” – Marlene Dietrich

This quote is ironic and is a reminder of the truth that even if someone earns an income that is high doesn’t suggest they’re wealthy. If you are able to make money quickly but you don’t have the discipline to keep your money and utilize it wisely the result will not be a factor. Soon, it will be gone.

If you put in the effort and invest and save, even if you don’t earn an enormous amount of money it is possible to become wealthy.

Funny quotes about money can be used to teach lessons!

Here’s the deal! The most hilarious quotes on money, each one with life lessons. We’ve included humorous quotes about savings money, funny investment quotes, and much more.

I hope that some of these tips have encouraged you to step up your personal finance game. Continue to learn by self-study about all things financial that can make you a more knowledgeable person. Understanding the basics of money can help bring control over your life and keep you well-organized.

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