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20 Best Mommy Blogs and Bloggers to Follow

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Being a parent can be incredibly satisfying and stressful. We all know, that it requires an entire community to raise children. Blogs for mommy bloggers and parenting provide moms with tips, advice as well as some perspective. Consider these blogs as an online community for parents — a place where you can find information as well as plenty of laughter.

Best Mommy Blogs and Bloggers

If you’re seeking a list of the best parenting blogs you’re in the right spot. Learn more about our picks for the top 20 mommy blogs and blogs to follow.

Every blog listed offers a wealth of fun well-crafted, well-curated information that busy moms can utilize to stay up to date with the latest lifestyle, health, and fashion trends.

1. Honest Mum — Best Lifestyle and Parenting Mommy Blog

Honest Mum is where to find information on the latest parenting and lifestyle trends. Check out the site for helpful tips every busy mom could use to keep her life under control, from simple, quick as well as delicious dishes to reviews of eco-friendly fashion brands.

The blog is the creation of Vickey Broadbent, mother of two who was a TV and film director. Broadbent regularly appears on television networks across the United Kingdom, and you are able to find more of her positive female lifestyle advice in her bestseller novel, Mumboss.

2. Fireflies & Mudpies — Best Arts and Crafts Site for Mommies

Fireflies and Mudpies offer moms who are busy with their kid’s opportunities to keep even their youngest children entertained. It includes a vast selection of activities and craft projects that parents can find things to do through a goal. Choose between nature, learning, and playing games.

The blog is managed by Melissa who is the mother of two dogs and two boys. Melissa is from Ohio as well as homeschools one of her kids which gives her a wealth of experience in figuring out enjoyable, inexpensive, and educational games for children.

You can also find other Fireflies & Mudpies content on Facebook and Pinterest.

3. Mom Blog Society — Best Travel and Technology Mommy Blog

Mom Blog Society Mom Blog Society has a fantastic collection of posts and articles covering a wide range of subjects such as travel with kids, technology, and craft. There’s also a wealth of information on the latest trends in entertainment and a number of user reviews of products.

Visit go the Gift Guides page for treat-giving ideas — holiday or baby showers, as well as Mother’s Day guidebooks, are all readily available. Also, the site often has details about exciting giveaways for gift cards and different ways of saving money while shopping on the internet.

You can be a part of mom blogs on Facebook and Twitter. Mom Blog Society on Twitter and Facebook.

4. Foster the Family — Best Mommy Blog About Adoption

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Foster the Family focuses on the challenges faced by foster and adoptive families, but it also contains general parenting articles and blog posts that are relevant to families without adoption too. The affiliated nonprofit also has several pages that provide information and resources for prospective and current foster and adoptive parents.

To get tips on how to parent all over the world, head to the podcast that provides real moms who discuss the difficulties of raising a family.

To stay up to date with the latest news be sure to sign up on Foster the Family’s Instagram feed.

5. The Fashionable Housewife — Best Christian and Fashion Mommy Blog

The Fashionable Housewife offers an extended range of articles about religion, homeschooling cooking, faith, and obviously fashion. The site started by offering fashion tips for mothers -however, it’s grown considerably since it got started in 2005. Now it’s the best place to go for helpful tips regarding all things from fitness and fashion.

The blog is run as well as edited by Sarah Jean Ballard, a stylish mom of five who homeschools her children. The blog was started with the belief that moms can dress stylishly without spending thousands of dollars to look fashionable.

Visit Facebook or YouTube for more helpful tips From The Fashionable Housewife.

6. Pregnant Chicken — Best Expecting Mommy Blog

Simply put this blog is where to look for all the information you require to know about pregnancies birth, delivery, newborn health, and more. This blog is full of content and articles covering topics that range from becoming pregnant, to dealing with postpartum issues and much more.

Amy Morrison, a mom as well as a freelance graphic designer, is the movers and shakers of the site, which is designed to “help keep pregnancy fun.” Morrison lives in Toronto with her two sons her husband along with two cats.

You can find a wealth of Pregnant Chicken content on YouTube as well as Pinterest.

7. Mamavation — Best Eco-Wellness Product Investigation Mommy Blog

Mamavation is dedicated to exposing the harmful chemicals found in household products that families can’t do without like clothing, personal care items food products, cooking items and many more. Mamavation even examines toys for children to determine whether they’re made of harmful chemicals that are dangerous to the health of children.

Mamavation was the brainchild of Leah Segedie, a consumer activist who is passionate about informing women about health risks posed by harmful chemicals that are found in our everyday products. Segedie was awarded “Mom of the Year” by Shape magazine.

For more of Mamavation’s wonderful reviews, visit Facebook as well as Twitter.

8. Confessions of a Single Mum — Best Single Mommy Blog

Confessions of a Single Mom contains a variety of parenting tips specifically tailored to the difficulties faced by single moms. It includes fun, super-fast recipe ideas for kids and articles that offer practical advice that single mothers can use. There’s even a section that offers advice for moms who stay at home to begin blogging.

The blog, written by Kairen Varker has been discussing the difficulties of being a single parent since the year 2008. Barker began the blog partly, in order to express her anger at the social norms she had to face as a mother of two after divorce.

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Keep up to date with Kairen Varker via Pinterest along with Twitter.

9. Marcie in Mommyland — Best Mommy Travel Blog

Marcie in Mommyland has a variety of travel-related articles and traveling with children. It’s designed for moms living in Seattle, Washington, who like packing and exploring new places with their children. Browse through posts by location to find kid-friendly places to spend time in.

Marcie who is the founder of the website created the blog to help mothers with advice on traveling with toddlers. Visit this page for more information about international and domestic destinations as well as toddler-friendly itinerary suggestions once you’re there.

You can connect with Marcie on Mommyland on Facebook as well as on Pinterest.

10. Pinot Parenting — Best Realistic Parenting Mommy Blog

Pinot Parenting isn’t as it seems, despite its name that it’s about raising children with alcohol instead, it’s a website committed to accurately describing and addressing the issues of parenting children with imperfections and all. The blog can be considered as a collection of articles that chronicle the everyday life that comprise family members of the “Pinot” family — the father, mother, and five children.

Dad and mom regularly blog writing about their experiences with the blogosphere in an old-fashioned way and parenting advice.

For additional Pinot Parenting content, head to Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube.

11. Micala Quinn — Best Blog for Freelancing Moms

Micala Quinn’s blog gives stay-at-home moms a wealth of knowledge about freelance work and working at home. The blog contains a number of articles that offer tips and tricks to help you begin with your online business, as well as blog posts that celebrate moms who have mastered the balance between work and family due to freelance work.

Micala Quinn, who was a teacher at former high school English teacher is the person who runs the blog. The program is available online for mothers to prepare themselves for freelance work. Modules include every aspect from branding and pricing.

Find more ideas and tips from Michala Quinn, and go on Facebook as well as Pinterest.

12. Kars4Kids the Best Mama Blog For Kids With Disabilities and Differences

Kars4Kids provides parents with a great summary of the latest information about the subject of parenting and health, safety, and education. The site also offers a comprehensive collection of content on the challenges faced by parents of children who are disabled.

The blog is managed by the Kars4Kids non-profit — the company makes money by the repurposing and sale of donated vehicles to help fund education for youth and mentorship programs throughout the United States.

Follow or like Kars4Kids via Facebook or Instagram If you aren’t getting enough of this awesome content.

13. Sleeping Should Be Easy — Best Basic Parenting Blog for Mommies

Sleeping Should Be Easier is where for a wealth of helpful parenting advice. The site makes it easy to search for articles based on developmental stage and age so that you can quickly locate the posts most appropriate to your needs.

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The blog is owned by Nina Garcia– a mother of three children who has been married for more than 10 years. The blog was started in the year 2010 to keep track of her parenting experience and, as time has passed it has grown into a reliable source of inspiration for mothers everywhere. A number of her parenting books, including Are

You Are Enough, You Enough, Side Discipline, and many more are available on the site.

You can also follow Sleeping Should Be Easy on Facebook and Twitter.

14. The Purposeful Nest — Best Blog Homeschooling Mommy Blog

The Purposeful Nest is an excellent source for families who homeschool. It has curriculum information and book reviews that can assist homeschooling parents to evaluate the various education alternatives. It also has an area for a lifestyle that includes fun DIY ideas and travel guides.

The website also offers healthy, kid-friendly dishes and numerous educational printables for free. Ashley is a stay-at-home mother who was once an officer in the police force, created the blog to provide a space to share the activities of her children.

Go to Facebook or Twitter to find more parenting tips and tips From The Purposeful Nest.

15. The Military Wife and Mom — Best Military and Parenting Mommy Blog

If you’re having questions about raising children when you are in the military or to one or has been, you should take a look at The Military wife and mom. From financial checklists prior to deployment to advice on keeping kids in a routine The website’s articles put together everything you must know about the difficulties of raising children in a relationship where at least one spouse is employed by one of the militaries.

Lauren Tamm is a wife of an active duty Marine and the mother of 2 kids who is a blogger. She is a fan of sharing advice to help readers come up with practical solutions to the problems faced by families of the military.

There’s, even more, of The Military Wife and Mom content available on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

16. Tech Savvy Mama — Best Mommy Tech Blog

Technology Savvy Mama is the best place to find reviews of the most recent developments in technology and parenting. The site offers a range of articles covering subjects ranging from how to control teens on YouTube to Internet safety tips. There’s even a section on the lifestyle that is packed with parenting and travel suggestions.

Leticia Barr, who is the mother behind the blog is a middle-school teacher with a love for all things tech (and an MA in Arts on Teaching at Tufts University). She’s been blogging as “Tech Savvy Mama” since the year 2008.

Want to know more about Tech Savvy Mama? — Give Leticia Barr’s YouTube channel a try.

17. Sophie-stated Mom — Best Lifestyle Mommy Blog

Sophie-stated mom provides helpful posts on subjects that range from relationships to beauty, including advice for singles and married couples. It is a great resource for couples.

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