
Treasury Note Full Details

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If you have Treasury note, what does that entail?
T-notes, or Treasury notes, are tradable debt securities issued by the U.S. Treasury. 
Their maturities can be anywhere between two and ten years and they all come with fixed interest rate.
Government Treasury Notes can be acquired through competitive or non-competitive bidding process. 
Investors can increase their risk by indicating the desired yield in competitive bid, which could result in their offer being rejected. 
If investors submit non-competitive bid, they must accept the yield set by the auction.

Understanding Treasury Notes

Treasury notes are common holding for investors, with maturities of two, three, five, seven, and ten years on offer and sizable secondary market that helps ensure the notes are always liquid.
Interest on the Notes is payable semiannually until maturity. 
Similar to Treasury bond or Treasury bill, the interest income received is taxable at the federal level but not at the municipal or state level.
Bills, bonds, and Treasury notes are just some of the debt-based investments that the United States Treasury can issue. 
The primary distinction between them is the time it takes to reach maturity. 
For example, Treasury bonds have the longest maturity date of any sovereign fixed-income security, with maturities ranging from over 10 years to over 30 years.

The Treasury Note Market and the Potential for Interest Rate Hikes

Generally speaking, T-remaining note is more sensitive to changes in interest rates as its maturity date approaches infinity. 
In addition to the market price, the interest rate sensitivity of bond or note also plays role in its valuation. 

The absolute level of interest rates, which is directly under the control of a central bank, or the shape of the yield curve, is the most common place for a change in rates to take place.

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Additionally, these fixed-income instruments have varying degrees of sensitivity to shifts in interest rates, which indicates that the decline in prices takes place at a range of different intensities. 

Duration is used as proxy for this rate sensitivityand it is typically expressed in years. 
Factors that go into the calculation of duration include coupons, yields, present values, total maturities, and call provisions.

An excellent illustration of an absolute change in interest rates occurred in December 2015, when the Federal Reserve (the Fed) raised the federal funds rate to a range that was 25 basis points higher. This is a good example of an absolute shift in interest rates. It had previously been in the range of 0% to 0.25% at that time, but after that, it was changed to being in the range of 0.25% to 0.50%. The impact of this increase in benchmark interest rates has been to bring about a decline in the prices of all outstanding notes and bonds issued by the United States Treasury.

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Considering the Finer Points

Alterations in the yield curve, which are referred to as yield curve risk, are caused by factors in addition to the benchmark interest rate. These factors include changing investors’ expectations. This risk is connected to either a steepening or flattening of the yield curve, which is the result of a change in the yields among bonds of the same type but of different maturities.

For instance, in the event of a steepening curve, the spread between short-term and long-term interest rates widens as a result of an increase in long-term rates that is greater than the increase in short-term rates. In the event that short-term interest rates ended up being higher than any of the longer-term interest rates, a situation that is known as an inverted yield curve would result.

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Because of this, the price of long-term notes goes down in comparison to the price of short-term notes. When the yield curve flattens out, the opposite of what was expected happens. The spread gets smaller, and the prices of short-term notes go down in comparison to the prices of long-term notes.

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