Business Ideas

How to make money from blogging

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Have you been hearing of the word blogs? or blogging? or do you quite know about it and you want to know how you can profit from it as a business? Well welcome, you at the right page.
We’ll be honest: blogging isn’t the easiest way to make money. But, the great thing is that anyone can do it, as long as you have a phone/ computer and a good internet connection, you too can tap from the internet’s money.
All you need is something interesting to say and enough patience and dedication to build traffic and followers. But how do successful bloggers make their money? I’ll show you…
1. Create Your Blog
The first thing first in making money via blogging is to first have your own means by which you stand ground to earn, and this is by creating a blog/site which you can use in generating earnings. There are free hosting platforms out there like Blogger, Github, etc, and paid ones like WordPress, Bluehost, etc. Play around them, select the one for you, and well, you are done taking your first step.
2. Write an SEO content
You have a Blog and seeking to make money from it, well this is the next step for bloggers, it isn’t just about creating content according to what you feel like, there needs to be content created to please certain readers, either from Google search results or from social media. So make your research on keywords and get to write on keywords you can rank on and that can fetch you traffic.
3. You Need Traffic
Ever heard people are money? well, in blogging, that saying goes literal, because people are true money. After writing SEO content, the next thing is the traffic, here come the big guns, the traffic on your site is the means by which you can generate earnings from your blog, and in case you don’t know what traffic means, they are your viewers, visitors to your blog calculated on a daily basis.
If you noticed, I didn’t go into monetization straight because there are other factors that need to be met, or else, monetizing your blog will only give you frustration and a sleepless night.
So in order to make money from your blog, after you have accomplished the above three tasks, you connect your blog to a monetization platform as listed below;
1. Google Adsense: Popular and big brand owned by Google themselves, it is a global network that has paid millions of publishers over years, their payment methods are direct transfer to your bank or a cheque issued to your postal address. The payment threshold is capped at a minimum of 100$ and is made once a month.
2. Adsterra: This also is a global network that has really stood up to be an alternative to Adsense, so if Google isn’t accepting you, try them out, they have some good CPM rates and they pay as low as 5$ every two weeks, they use Paxum, Bitcoin, Bank Transfer and western money for payment which is made every 2 weeks. Cool right?
3. Propeller Ads: This too is a global network but limited in payment methods, not too flexible, also their minimum payment threshold is capped at 10$, pretty cool for upcoming bloggers, they have nice ads format and a multi ads link which could display all the ads on your site at ease. They pay through Skrill.
4. A-ads: This ads network tends to be global in every region crypto isn’t illegal, because it’s one of its kind as it deals and pays in crypto, yep, you heard me.
The above is the list of monetization platforms trusted and tested, and not the only way to monetize your site but kind of the easy ways.
Other ways you can monetize your site so you can make money from your blog are;
1. Affiliate marketing: Your blog with a decent amount of traffic, you can simply put up courses, and products on the site, and readers may dive into it giving you commissions, depending on the affiliate platform you are on.
2. Selling eBooks on your site: Have you been to a site and a course pops up? yea, that’s an eBook, you purchase that book because you want to learn the information inside, so also if your having information in your head that can help people, feel free to document it, convert it, and put it right on that site, you never know who needs it.
3. Charge to upload people’s contents to your blog (Music sites): Well this is for music bloggers and people who tend to be in a niche where people would want to put their contents up there, like a journal, song, instrumentals and more, this you can charge any amount you see fit.
4. Sell clothes and more: Yes, you can begin your own franchise on your site, pretty simple, bring in whatever you want to sell, and as I said in the ebook, make it pop up maybe at the end of the page, you never know who will need it.
5. Direct advertisement of brands or people’s products: This is also known as a sponsored post, and this is where brands reach out to you to help them promote a thing or two on your blog, yep, they do pay well for this.

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