Business Ideas

Pressure Washer Business Startup Kit – How To Start a Profitable Pressure Washer Business

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Is anyone considering or starting a pressure washer business? Wondering what the pressure washer business startup kits are? You may have been thinking about how you can make a living from this particular passion, hobby, or skill. 

Perhaps you’re working a day job and already making sales on the side, establishing a pressure washer business is actually a very good idea. Note that the pressure washer business could be an excellent choice for a first-time entrepreneur. This is because the business is really scalable, and doesn’t require a lot of capital and experience to get on track.

Meanwhile, in the article below you will be getting to know everything about the pressure washer business startup kit, how profitable the exact business might be, and other similar information you might need.

What’s A Pressure Washer Business?

Pressure washing is simply a business that is really lucrative in terms of profit, marketing, and growth. You might decide to manage the business as a side hustle or take it as a full-time job. 

Are you aware that average pressure washing costs $192 and $401 per job, you can imagine the amount of cash you could generate from the pressure washer business, especially if you are very skilled and experienced.

If you are not fully funded with enough capital, you definitely can start with a small budget and expand your pressure washer business over time. Truth be told, a pressure washer business is a really daunting task to pull off.

But this should not necessarily be that tough if you follow the right path in the step-by-step guide on pressure washer business startup kits which will be highlighted in the other sections of the article below.

Is It Profitable To Start A Pressure Washer Business?

Definitely, there won’t be a lot of competition if the pressure washer business is not lucrative and profitable. I will be highlighting a list of reasons why you should get confused about starting a pressure washer business in this section of the article. 

  • There will always be a market for pressure washing, regardless of your location. This means, the business is actually here to stay and isn’t going into the dark anytime soon. 
  • There is a relatively low start-up cost along with favorable pricing. 
  • You can make a significant amount of money in the pressure washer business.
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Note that to make this business easier for an entrepreneur, I think you need to strategize by targeting commercial establishments or homeowners and offering chimney or window services. 

Finally, you might decide to even specialize in driveways, decks, building exterior, and some other opportunities. 

However, the following segment will be about the pressure washer business startup kit.

What Do I Need To Know About Pressure Washer Business Startup Kit?

Talking about the pressure washer business startup kits, this simply refers to the guides or set of resources that will be useful for entrepreneurs to start a pressure washer business. Here, I will be highlighting the procedures you need to undergo in order to get your business running.

  1. Licensing And Insurance
  2. Equipment And Chemicals
  3. Advertisements And Marketing Channels
  4. Experience And Training

Get A Business License

Looking forward to starting your pressure washing business, you are going to want to make sure that you complete this procedure in order to be safe. You can simply visit a local city court and request for a business license.

You will be required to fill out all the paperwork and some other necessary items. This is very important to get your business license. One of the requirements for the pressure washer business startup kit is to choose from either a sole proprietorship, an LLC, or a corporation.

The amount of money you will be required to pay depends significantly on your current location. From here you also need to check your city, county, and parish to be sure that you don’t need any specific permits in order to start pressure washing.


Getting proper insurance and permits is very important in case you damage properties or injure someone during the job. Obviously, this will help avoid getting bankrupt and staying out of jail. 

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You are advised to visit insurance agents to get advice and quotes, or simply proceed to google and search “[your town]+pressure washing business license and insurance”. 

Equipment And Chemicals

The next procedure on pressure washer business startup kits is to get your equipment and chemicals. A successful business needs to get the right business to ensure successful growth. 

You will definitely need specific types of pressure washers depending on your budget, pumps, nozzles and so many other items. 

However, the full equipment you need to start a pressure washing business will be discussed in the other section of the article below.

Regardless of the type of pressure washer, you will need at least a four-gallon-a-minute pressure washer. The higher the pressure washer gpms gallons per minute, the faster you can clean.

However, when cleaning a house we are going to use a downstream injector.  With that downstream injector, you will be able to clean a house at less than 80 to 100 psi. Some garden hose and some pressure wash hose will be needed. 

There’s a misconception that the higher the psi, the better the washer and this is something most entrepreneurs under when starting out.

Set Your Business Rates

Due to the high level of competition surrounding this business, you need to be able to strategize and place particular price rates which will be charged for any service you render to your clients.

At this point, you need to make some research on the prices pressure washers are charging for services in your area. At the start, you can reduce your business rates in order to attract customers, then make some improvements when your business starts to grow.

Get fixed rates for services regarding driveways, fences, walls, windows, and sidewalks.

Advertisements And Marketing Channels

Among the pressure washer business startup kits you need to be aware of, advertising and marketing is a very vital aspects. In order to achieve success, you need to be able to advertise your business promote it.

Choose your business name and get a business card, this is very important. You can create a website to increase your level of professionalism and get listed on Google business pages. 

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Finally, you can make use of the opportunity of advertising tie business via newsletters, social media platforms, and running paid ads.

Experience And Training

I don’t really think this is actually a compulsory procedure, but you can still attempt to become an expert in the pressure washing business by learning how to be a professional.

If you are experienced, you will definitely enjoy what you do without damaging the surrounding area while working. 

What Are The Pressure Washing Business Start-up Kit – Required types of Equipment?

The pressure washer business startup kit equipment you need to get your business on the run will be highlighted in the section of the article below. You don’t actually need to purchase all the equipment you need at once if you are a beginner, start small and walk your way up.

Pressure Washer Gear

The first piece of equipment you are definitely going to need is a proper pressure washer. Although, this equipment is of different sizes and categories depending on the tank and the pressure per minute. 

Decide on the one that suits your business the most. This will obviously determine your success in the long run.

A Truck Or Van

Actually, most pressure washers make use of trucks for carrying their equipment. You might not be able to afford this when starting out but there are other alternatives to find.

Nevertheless, if you are able to get a truck, print your business name and contact address on your vehicle to aid your business promotion.


Your business will definitely look unique if you decide to put on a uniform for work. Other equipment includes:

  • Pumps
  • Engines
  • Nozzles
  • Chemicals and Surface Cleaners

The Bottom Line

Establishing a pressure washer business is a really lucrative and profitable business. In the article above, we discussed the pressure washer business startup kit, what this is all about, the equipment required to start a pressure washing business, and other related queries. 

I hope the article provided detailed information on what you need to know about starting up a pressure washer business and the outcomes behind it.

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